Thursday, April 28, 2011

The stars above remind me of the scars of love, and inner peace begins to cease when you realize you can't cage the dove, what will your legacy be when your days are done? Tranquility is an ability that overcomes rage before rage has won, while I flip through the pages of my own heart, hoping my words could melt a stone heart in need of a fresh start, begin anew, all I want for you is for the light to come into view


  1. dear Fateh, u r so very talented! I read ur blogs n I am so in awe with your writings and you rock with passion and I am so very proud of you! Know that you have so much to offer and it's your time to come out of your shell, u have been hiding brilliance and the true u has been waiting to emerge and I want you to know that I believe in you and I want you to cont' to write for you are very gifted and I am touched and I know others are too, stay strong n keep your light shining! Jaiden

  2. NICE! I like this one. Keep this up youre a great writer!
    -Michelle C -

  3. Great Job Fateh! Keep it up! -Tricia
